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The Reveal

Traditionally, the home improvement category relies on visual transformations of rooms as a wow factor in their creative. When you also include copy about the products and how they work, creative in the category tends to feel like filmed brochures. Back in 2019 we thought we’d try something different so instead of communicating rationally by showing the spaces being transformed or the products transforming them, we tried to connect emotionally and show the transformation that takes place in the people the rooms are for. Viewers were encouraged to click through to a web page that had the finished rooms and all the rational product messaging. (Which they did end up doing.) At the time it felt risky. Watching it now, it doesn’t. It still holds up. We always say, if you can find a better primer ad, we’d love to see it.


13323 WASHINGTON BLVD. SUITE 301 | LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA 90066 | 310.279.5024


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